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Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and International Cooperation

NOTICE n. 01 of 13th October 2016


The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (hereinafter referred as to the Ministry) and the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam wish to conduct a survey addressed to those who are potentially interested in purchasing the property owned by the Italian Government, located in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Plot 467, Haile Selassie Road, Msasani Peninsula.

The property is registered in the name of The Government of the Republic of Italy of P.0. Box 2106 Dar es Salaam under Certificate of Title No.17670 and Land Office No.24787.

The property is residential and occupies a trapezoid and level site, comprising of 47,630 square feet as stated in the certificate of occupancy (approximately 4,425 square metres).
The Total Covered Area is 363.94 square meters (3,917.45 square foot).

1. Recipients
The survey is addressed to individuals, companies, societies, professional boards, public entities, foundations or banks who are interested in purchasing the property as per above.

2. Purpose
The survey is aimed at starting a qualified and constructive dialogue with all the Subjects potentially interested in purchasing the above property. The acquired expressions of interest, together with the indication of the offers for purchasing the property, shall not constitute a constraint to the Ministry. The participants will not accrue any advantage position, nor any right of pre-emption or any other privilege in respect of the Administration’s future choices. There will not be any ranking list or any assignment of individual scores.

3. Information and Documentation
All the informative documentation for drafting the expressions of interest is available on the website,where it will be possible to access all the information and the documents concerning the property, within the deadline set out in paragraph 10.

A brief description of the property and of its conditions, some photos, and all the technical data can
be found in Annex 1.

4. Site visit
In order to facilitate the Participants with the drafting of the expressions of interest, it will be possible to visit the premises, in the presence of the person in-charge of the Procedure, delegated by the Embassy of Italy. The deadline for the submission of the applications is set for November the 14th 2016
After that date no applications will be considered.

5. Modality to conduct the site visit
Interested parties who intend to conduct a site visit shall book it by e-mail at
For the purpose of the site visit, each interested party may indicate a maximum of 3 (three) participants. Different parties may not delegate the same participants to the site visit.
Persons selected for the site visit shall bring:
– a document in simple paper stating that he/she has been delegated for the visit;
– a valid ID card;
– the consent form enclosed, duly filled in.

6. Guarantee
The expression of interest together with the offer shall have a validity of not less than 60 calendar days and shall be accompanied by a provisional guarantee, equal to 10 per cent of the amount offered.
The provisional guarantee can be a bank guarantee or insurance or anything equivalent to it.
Alternatively it can be a security deposit of the same amount in an escrow account.

7. Use of the expressions of interest
The proposals received under this survey will provide some useful data for the subsequent disposal of the property and a detailed study and in-depth analysis will be conducted by the Ministry and the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam in the way they will consider to be most appropriate to achieve the goals indicated.

8. Non-binding nature of the present notice
This notice is only a call for expressions of interest and related offers. The publication of this notice is solely intended to acquire the expressions of interest through the submission of offers for purchasing the property.
The publication of this notice and the receipt of expressions of interest shall not represent for the Ministry and the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam an obligation or a commitment towards the participants and will not give them the right to claim for any service, any payment of commission or any consultancy fee from the Ministry and the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam.
The expression of interest does not determine the occurrence of any entitlement, right or interest to claim any advantage in the proceedings.

9. Information on the processing of personal data (in compliance with Art.13 Italian Decree n. 196/2003)
In compliance with Art.13 of Italian Decree 30.06.2003 n. 196, “Code for the protection of personal data”, the collected data will be used only for institutional purposes, in order to finalize the acquisition of the expressions of interest.
The data will be processed in compliance with the principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency, pursuant to the terms of the said Law.
The data processing will be done either manually or through electronic means.

10. How to submit the expression of interest
The individuals/entities wishing to express their interest in the purchase of the real estate must, under penalty of disqualification, submit the documentation as set out in sub points “A” and “B” to the Embassy of Italy, Dar es Salaam, Lugalo Road n.30, P.O.Box 2106.
The documents have to be delivered by post or by hand not later than 12.00 pm of November 14th 2016 and must be received in a closed, sealed envelope, signed on the closing flaps, bearing the following header: “NOTICE OF SURVEY ON THE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR THE PURCHASE OF A PROPERTY OWNED BY THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT LOCATED IN DAR ES SALAAM (TANZANIA), PLOT 467, HAILE SELASSIE ROAD, MSASANI PENINSULA”.
The Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam will not be responsible for the late submission of the documents or for any delay due to the postal service.
The package shall contain two sealed envelopes, signed on the closing flaps and bearing the following headers:

A) “Envelope A. Administrative Documents”. Envelope A should contain a self-certification or affidavit as per Annex 2, duly filled, and copy of a valid ID card of the person legally authorised to sign the offer.

B) “Envelope B. Expression of interest, offer and guarantee”. Envelope B should contain
the expression of interest as per Annex 3, stating the offer for purchasing the real estate. The same Envelope should contain the original stipulated guarantee or an authenticated copy of it (as per paragraph 6). Copy of the ID card attached in Envelope A will be considered sufficient.

11. Clarifications
Any request of clarification can be addressed to the following e-mail address: within November 7th 2016.
The answers will be posted on the website, as attachment to the notice, before the deadline as per paragraph 10.

This Procedure is ruled by the current Italian Laws. The deed of sale shall be governed by the laws of Tanzania. The person in charge for the Procedure is Mr. Concetto Cocuzza.

The Ambassador of Italy
Roberto Mengoni