From 27 to 30 September, 2022, it was held in Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam the Italy-Tanzania Business and Investment Forum that, organized by the Embassy of Italy in Dar es Salaam, Italian Trade Agency ICE, Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Italy and Tanzania, Tanzania Investment Center e Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority, has seen the participation of more than 800 companies among them a hundred were Italian or local with 100% Italian capital. The event was very original because it was the first time that an economic forum was held at the same time in Zanzibar and in mainland of Tanzania and has represented a useful moment for exploring new cooperations in agribusiness, machineries, infrastructures, knowledge and technological exchange and blue-economy. Guests of honor were the First Vice President of Zanzibar, H.E. Othman Masoud Othman, and the Tanzanian Minister for Investments, Trade and Industry, Hon. Ashatu K. Kijaji, while the Forum was closed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and East Africa Cooperation, Hon. Liberata Mulamula. The B2B e B2G sessions of September 28 e 29, 2022 have contributed to create useful connections able to generate win-win cooperation among Italian and Tanzanian companies. Leonardo, Messina Lines, Neos, CNH, Planet Smart City, Gallesio costruzioni, Gruppo Minnucci, Almawave, General Chimica dì Bologna, Toscana macchinari calzaturieri and FEDERUNACOMA also attended the Business Forum. On the occasion, SACE, SIMEST e African Development Bank presented their tools for the facilitation of economic collaboration among Italian and Tanzanian companies. Ambassador of Italy Marco Lombardi has announced that, in 2023, Tanzania will be in the “Luca Attanasio initiative” that will see a mission of Italian economic associations specialized in Tanzania market sectors that offer better opportunities to Italian companies organized and coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with ICE. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and East Africa Cooperation, Hon. Liberata Mulamula, in thanking Italian Government for including Tanzania in the “Attanasio Project”, has remembered in a very moving way the figure of late Ambassador Luca Attanasio, murdered last year in RDC. The next edition of Italy-Tanzania Business and Investment Forum will be in Milano in 2023.